A Guide to Lifting Double Glazing Panels

A Guide to Lifting Double Glazing Panels

Handling glass holds certain risks for your safety, the safety of others, and also the safety of the glass as it is a fragile material.

Having a guide on how to lift double-glazing panels is ideal to ensure you are handling glass correctly and are not posing a risk to yourself in the double-glazed units.

We have composed this guide to inform you on how to lift and handle double-glazing panels, so you can do so with ease. Educate yourself in this blog post today and learn about some of the tools that can aid in lifting any glass panels.


Glass Lifting


Things to Consider When Lifting Double Glazing Panels

As we know, every time anyone attempts to move glass panels, there is a risk of the glass breaking or being damaged in some way. This is due to the delicate nature of the material and that it can be prone to cracks and smashes.

Many double-glazed units are custom built, so if they do happen to become damaged, it can take a while to get hold of them again as they are often to fit a specific window space. It is not just a case of popping to the shops and purchasing a replacement, it can slow down the entire glazing job and disappoint your customer too.

Injuries in the glazing industry can be disastrous so taking preventative measures can be extremely beneficial for you, continue reading to learn more.



Safety is one of the most important factors when handling glass of any kind, but especially glass that is large and heavy. Check the safety of you, your workforce and others around you. Having the right PPE is recommended too.


Tools and Equipment

There are plenty of glazing tools and equipment out there. The right equipment helps you to complete any glazing job to a high standard whilst also making the job a lot easier to finish.

Using tools and equipment to aid your lifting of double-glazing uPVC units can be a much safer way of handling them. If using something increases the safety of yourself and others, whilst reducing risks, then it is totally worth it.

Purchasing the right tools and equipment can make for a worthwhile investment. This is because equipment can result in less manpower being required. You can free up more workers to do other tasks or manage jobs with fewer people. If you are on your own, the right equipment can help you complete a job more efficiently, so therefore investment in the right tools is a cost-effective solution for many glaziers.


The Weight

The weight needs to be considered before you decide to move any glass panel or double-glazing unit. If you are using a tool to help you lift, you should make sure you check the lifting capacity of the tool and ensure it can handle your load in question.


The Destination

Understand your journey when lifting glass. Do you need to carry your double-glazing panels far, or just a short distance? This can affect what equipment or tools you choose to use, or whether you need help from a friend or co-worker to assist you and help you carry the panels.


Glass Lifting Equipment

A guide would not be complete without introducing you to some of the best equipment that can benefit you when lifting double-glazing panels. To find out more information about useful glass lifting tools then keep reading to discover more.


Suction Cups

First of all, we have the suction cup. A relatively simple design, yet with a strong impact on the glazing industry in particular.

Suction cups come in all shapes and sizes, for different surface levels and textures too. Check the lifting capacity on your suction cup to ensure you have the right tool for the job. We have a vast range of suction cups to choose from at GGR Glass. We are certain you will find the appropriate tool for the job.

Whether you are a professional glazier or not, suction cups come in extremely useful and can be used for a variety of purposes.

Check out our FingerGrab, GGR1 Suction Cup, Suction Cup Double Pad, and Suction Cup Triple Pad to name just a few models that we stock at GGR Glass.


Vacuum Cups

Vacuum cups can help you to lift double-glazing panels. Like suction cups, vacuum cups operate in the same way just with the help of vacuum suction to help them stick. Take a look at our most popular vacuum cup model the Power-Grip N4000 Suction Cup, it is lightweight and can be quickly attached to a flat surface and offers a reliable stronghold for manoeuvring double glazing.


Carrymate Duo Grip

This is a practical tool for lifting glass panels as well as plasterboard, plastics, doors, metals and stone to name a few main examples.

The Carrymate Duo Grip offers two handles and a maximum load weight of 100kg. It makes for easy carrying with you and someone else for a safe and reliable carrying method that you can count on.

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A Guide to Lifting Glass Panels

When lifting glass panels, going slow, safe and smart is key, however big the glass is or how large the project is.


Plan Your Route

Know your route and plan accordingly. Check for obstructions in your way, other people, and trip hazards from objects and uneven ground.


Carry Correctly

Make sure you are using the proper carrying technique. Carry with two hands, using the right tools if necessary.

If using a suction cup, use it on your lower hand and your upper hand will act as a guide for the glass panel, to maintain direction and balance.



Before you decide to carry your glass panels, make sure the surfaces are clean, dry and oil-free. This ensures that you will have a more secure grip and any suction device will not be affected by an unclean surface.


Final Note From Us At GGR Glass

As you will have learnt, there are many variables to consider when you come to lifting double-glazing panels, as well as many different types of tools to help you get the job done.

To browse all of our glass lifting equipment and other tools ideal for the glazing industry, do check out the full website for more. It is here you will find our contact details too if you wish to get in touch with us if you have any questions or queries for us. One of our team will always be happy to help you.

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