The Process Of Installing Glass On A Large Building

The Process Of Installing Glass On A Large Building

When people think about glazing, the common thought is replacing windows within a domestic property. An example of a domestic property would be a standard-sized house.

The difficulty and complexity of replacing glass in a high-rise building are often forgotten. The process of replacing/installing glass in a large building is difficult and requires an expert strategy in order for the job to be successfully completed.

The higher up the building lies, the more intense the wind speed is, the colder the air is and the hotter the sun’s rays are. Windows on larger buildings are thicker, heavier and are fitted more precisely - though this doesn’t make them immune from damage.


Glass Lifting

The Risks in Replacing Windows in Large Buildings

Installing windows in large buildings is a task that comes with a risk, unlike with smaller buildings, there is an increased risk involved - safety is the most important factor to consider when replacing the glass on a high-rise building.

The installation process will involve using a crane to raise the glass. The glass on the large building will be thick and robust, although the thickness of a glass panel does not reduce the ability for it to crack.

Cracking in a glass panel can occur due to lack of care, extreme weather conditions, and pressure, along with other factors. Damage to glass at a height is extremely dangerous, it carries more risk than if it were to happen at ground level.

Typically it will take four people to install glass into a large/high-rise building, two on the inside and two on the outside of the building.


Why Windows on High Rise Buildings May Need to Be Replaced?

Why do windows need to be replaced on a high-rise building? Well, on a high-rise building the windows are exposed to the elements on a more intense level.

If windows become damaged in any way, they will need replacing as quickly as possible for the safety of the building. Read on to learn more about other reasons a window may need replacing on a large building.


Leaks can happen if a window is damaged or the fit has been altered due to the weather conditions. These factors would mean that the window would need to be replaced. Moisture on the inside of the window could be the result of a crack somewhere in the glass.

Moisture can enter the building with window leaks, resulting in mould or mildew growing on the inside of the window. Leaking windows can be a result of a window becoming dislodged by someone either leaning on it or due to the weather.



If a window frame is warping, then it may be time for a replacement window. Warping could be an indicator that water has managed to penetrate the walls of the building meaning structural damage may have occurred.



Clouding is also caused by moisture getting in between windows. If clouding appears, it is best to have the windows replaced as a precaution.

Cloudiness in the glass is caused by hot and cold air causing condensation to form. Windows on a large building may be damaged and need to be replaced. A strong wind may blow something into the window causing it to crack or even break.

The change in temperature from hot to cold can also cause the window to crack due to the expansion and contraction of the condensation inside the glass panes.


The Type of Glass

The type of windows that are installed in large buildings will usually be double-paned. They consist of two glass pieces around 6mm thick with a gap of about half an inch between them.

The thickness of the glass and the gap between the two sheets will depend on the building itself, the height, size of the panel and the installation location.

The glass on a tall building is a lot heavier than that used in a standard home, this is because the glass has to withstand far greater pressure from winds and other elements. This is why heavy-duty machinery is often involved in installing these glass panels.

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How to Replace Windows on a Large Building

Replacing a window on a large-scale building can be done using multiple methods. The most common method is the use of a suction cup device to remove the entire pane. Glass suction cups can also be used to handle the new glass pane too, providing you have the right tool with the correct amount of lifting capacity to ensure a safe hold.

The installer is raised to the window by forklift, cherry picker or can be lowered down by crane. The glazier will then do what is necessary to loosen the glass.

Once the glass has been loosened for removal, the glass suction pads are placed on the glass in the centre to ensure the weight is evenly balanced.

The old glass panel is removed into the building if possible and if not possible, it’s attached to a crane called a glass replacement unit to be lowered safely to the ground. The new panel of glass is then attached to the suction tool and raised to the removed windows' open area.

The glass is then raised with the platform so that the installers can guide it to the correct position. After that, they place the new glass on the mount and attach it from both the inside and outside, ensuring that it is stable.


Things to Remember With Windows on Large Buildings

Regular inspections are essential when it comes to the windows on large, high-rise buildings. It is best to be one step ahead of broken or damaged glass.

Finding out that one of the glass panels has an issue during a storm is no good as you have to be one step ahead when it comes to the windows in high-rise buildings.

Waiting until the glass fully breaks in a storm for example is never a good idea, as windows in high-rise buildings cannot be replaced in poor weather conditions. A missing panel of glass could have devastating effects on the entire building as it will no longer be protected from the elements.

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